Yesterday was kind of a slow day, with nothing really outstanding to comment upon. True, we did receive that one e-mail from Spain, where in pigeon English the gentleman informed us he was looking to obtain a U.S. Coast Guard ballcap for his 9 year-old son. Apparently the young gaffer had viewed "The Guardian" (boy, there's something new...) and was all in a-tither over the Coast Guard and jumping out of perfectly serviceable helicopters...
Then of course there is Ottawa's ongoing transit strike. Day 48 now and still not the glimmer of a resolution in sight. I hope the striking drivers are well prepared for their role as the the city's newest pariahs, once they resume work. Don't be so stupid as to believe that all of us commuters will let bygones be bygones, so enthralled will we be to have our beloved bus service back. I hate taking the buson a good day. It is a necessary evil brought on by an equally evil season. The fact that I have been further inconvenienced by your greed, does nothing good for my 'usually-sunny' disposition at this time of year. I have cast every gypsy curse I could find, upon you and generations of your future offspring, which all going well will resemble freaks from another space/time continuum...
In other world news events, Pope Benedict the XVI has lifted the excommunication of one Bishop Williamson of the UK. This mental midget has been quoted as saying on Swiss TV: " "I believe there were no gas chambers.... I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps but none of them by gas chambers." "There was not one Jew killed by the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies!"
Initially this loser was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church for spouting such heresy. But ol' Benedict (Josepf Alois Ratzinger), a Deutscher who would have been a young, impressionable lad during the Nazi era, saw no problem in welcoming Bishop Richard Williamson back into the fold of the world's most singularly dysfunctional religion. Oh sure, the Muslims are just as heinous in their treatment of their fellow man (and even more so, woman...). But at least they're not hypocritical about it. The RCs...? Well... that's a whole other matter. Oh yeah... that young lad in the vestments in the top photo, the one giving the Nazi salute...? Yeah, that's Pope Benedict...
I also understand there is a move afoot to canonize Pope Pius XII, who was head of the 'Holy Mother Church' during the rise and tenure of the Nazis. The children of Israel are understandably up in arms over this. Naming Pope Pius XII a Saint will not alter his fate. Let's face it, if there is such a thing as an 'afterlife' (which I reject...), Pope Pius XII is merrily roasting away in Hell. The Catholic Church (I.E.: the Vatican) stood by mutely as Hitler and his henchmen slaughtered the Jews in the millions. Why should they care? The Germans were cleaning up the 'competition'. For his complicity in this darkest of periods in human history, surely a 'God' would prescribe nothing less as his fate...
Speaking of 'darkest periods in human history', that puts one in mind of the Spanish Inquisition. And whom was at the helm of that particular bloodbath again...?
This was preceded by the Medieval Inquisition and the Papal Inquisition.
again... brought to you by: The Holy See!
It's little wonder that the acronym "RC" actually stands for 'Recovering Catholic'...
Then of course there is Ottawa's ongoing transit strike. Day 48 now and still not the glimmer of a resolution in sight. I hope the striking drivers are well prepared for their role as the the city's newest pariahs, once they resume work. Don't be so stupid as to believe that all of us commuters will let bygones be bygones, so enthralled will we be to have our beloved bus service back. I hate taking the buson a good day. It is a necessary evil brought on by an equally evil season. The fact that I have been further inconvenienced by your greed, does nothing good for my 'usually-sunny' disposition at this time of year. I have cast every gypsy curse I could find, upon you and generations of your future offspring, which all going well will resemble freaks from another space/time continuum...
In other world news events, Pope Benedict the XVI has lifted the excommunication of one Bishop Williamson of the UK. This mental midget has been quoted as saying on Swiss TV: " "I believe there were no gas chambers.... I think that 200,000 to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps but none of them by gas chambers." "There was not one Jew killed by the gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies!"
Initially this loser was excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church for spouting such heresy. But ol' Benedict (Josepf Alois Ratzinger), a Deutscher who would have been a young, impressionable lad during the Nazi era, saw no problem in welcoming Bishop Richard Williamson back into the fold of the world's most singularly dysfunctional religion. Oh sure, the Muslims are just as heinous in their treatment of their fellow man (and even more so, woman...). But at least they're not hypocritical about it. The RCs...? Well... that's a whole other matter. Oh yeah... that young lad in the vestments in the top photo, the one giving the Nazi salute...? Yeah, that's Pope Benedict...
I also understand there is a move afoot to canonize Pope Pius XII, who was head of the 'Holy Mother Church' during the rise and tenure of the Nazis. The children of Israel are understandably up in arms over this. Naming Pope Pius XII a Saint will not alter his fate. Let's face it, if there is such a thing as an 'afterlife' (which I reject...), Pope Pius XII is merrily roasting away in Hell. The Catholic Church (I.E.: the Vatican) stood by mutely as Hitler and his henchmen slaughtered the Jews in the millions. Why should they care? The Germans were cleaning up the 'competition'. For his complicity in this darkest of periods in human history, surely a 'God' would prescribe nothing less as his fate...
Speaking of 'darkest periods in human history', that puts one in mind of the Spanish Inquisition. And whom was at the helm of that particular bloodbath again...?
This was preceded by the Medieval Inquisition and the Papal Inquisition.
again... brought to you by: The Holy See!
It's little wonder that the acronym "RC" actually stands for 'Recovering Catholic'...
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