Thursday, July 2, 2009

A happy Canada Day...

Canada Day was just great this year. I remember how last year's was spectacular as my Honey and I spent the day cruising the 1,000 Island Parkway, dropping into the Lone Star restaurant in Kingston for some yummy chicken fajitas and generally paying homage to the natural beauty in this part of the country. Nineteen days later, I was laying in a hospital bed, unsure about so many things after my 'unplanned get-off' from Baby.

This year was very different. My wife and I decided to scoop up our old neighbors from Lees Avenue and treat them to a movie. So the four of us went to see the Disney feature "Up", in 3D. My wife and I had already seen it previously and thoroughly enjoyed it. We figured that something light and comedic would be just the ticket. Turns out we were right. We all had a marvellous time. Following the movie, we returned home for a spell, where we simply chilled and got caught up on local news. We then headed out for some Chinese food at the Ruby King on St. Joseph Street. It was the first time there for all of us and their buffet fare was pretty good.

After eating way too much, we drove 'the Kids' as we call them, back home. There, we sat out in their charming little back yard, chatting with them and passing neighbors who dropped by. It was a great Canada Day, totally noise and stress free. We left our old neighborhood just before 2100hrs and headed back home to Orleans. We started to watch Benjamin Button, but I didn't last beyond the first hour or so...

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