Friday, May 16, 2008

On road trips...

There is something about a road trip, that never fails to excite me. There is this sense of giddy anticipation which begins about a week prior and just keeps intensifying as the date draws closer. It's kind of like the feeling I got when I was much younger and knew that we were going camping on the weekend.

It's not an escape from home or the 'mundane', because my home is not a place I ever feel the need to escape from and my daily life is still interesting enough. It is however a chance for an adventure. A blind date with destiny. It always feels like I'm off to discover a new continent! You never know what you'll encounter, see or experience when you're off on a road trip. And whether you take a road trip in a camper, a car, or on a motorcycle... the same holds true: It is never your end destination that makes a trip memorable. It's everything that happens along the way. It is always about the journey itself.

I suppose I look at every road trip as a microcosm of life itself. None of us are in any big hurry to reach the end of our time here. There will be for the most of us, nothing memorable about our demise. Yet it is everything which happened as we went through our life, all our interactions, our relationships, our joys and sorrows, our frustrations and triumphs, that will have been memorable. The end game is simply that. It is our journey through this world that we must enjoy, celebrate and most of all, actively partake in. It is after all, the grandest of all adventures...

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