Friday, January 2, 2009

On Gaza, Hamas and Israel...

Okay, here's the thing... I was recently reading the BBC website and their coverage of the recent Israeli offensive against Hamas. They pose the question to their readership: "What will bring the violence to an end in Gaza?"

I know this is basically meant as a rhetorical question, a means for their readers to sound off, or vent, or whatever. Logically, I think everyone can draw the same conclusion. This will never stop. Oh sure... you might get one side or the other, perhaps even both, to stop for a little while. But it's a well established truism that Hamas' raison d'ĂȘtre is the obliteration of the "Zionist entity", that they deem Israel to be.

Israel on the other hand, is bound and determined to assure it's own survival as a nation, as is it's right. Let's face it, even if Israel was no longer in the region, peace would not return. The more I read and observe the world around me, the more it seems that Muslims live to vilify and destroy. Any target of opportunity will do... There will never be peace in the Middle East. Not in my lifetime, not in my children's lifetime... Not in anyone's...

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